Monday, June 18, 2012

4 months old

Nathaniel is now four months old.  He is getting so big and growing up so fast.  He loves to smile and laugh.  He does not always laugh out loud though.  He tends to laugh silently unless he thinks you are hysterical.  He loves people to talk to him and thinks kisses are funny.  He tries to sit up by himself and sometime succeeds.  Nate just started rice cereal this weekend.  The first night he was very unsure of the whole process, however last night he loved it and was upset when I didn't have anymore.  He had a doctor's appointment today.  So I took Nate and Jon to the doctors office.  Kyle asked the boys if either one of them wanted to accompany me and Nate and Jon said he did.  I did not understand why Jon would want to go until we got to the doctors office.  When the nurse called us back, the first thing Jon said was, "Nate gets shots and I get a sucker."  Ding-ding-ding!!!  Jon wanted a sucker.  Nate is now 26 inches long (90th percentile) and 12 lbs 8 ounces (25th percentile).  So still long and skinny.  He is doing really well and got two shots and an oral immunization.  Jon did get his sucker after the doctor saw Nate. 

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