Thursday, May 20, 2010

Doctor time!

Wesley and Jonathen both had a doctors appointment today.  Jonathen was going in for his 2 month well baby check up and for immunizations.  Wesley had his 2 year well baby check up.  Jonathen is, of course, growing extremely well.  He is 13 lbs 13 oz (90th percentile) and 25 1/2" (off the chart) with a head circumference of 16" (50th percentile).  Margarita, Dr. Graham's nurse, measured Jon and had to ask if my husband was tall.  When Jon's height was off the charts she couldn't believe it since I am average height for a female.  So in other words my child is proportianate, but extremely tall.  He is amazing to watch.  He has started smiling and laughing at things.  We were able to catch this beautiful smile when he was laughing at Mommy.  I am apparently hysterical.  He holds his head up really well and will follow you with his eyes.  He is a great baby.  He does not get upset very easy and prefers not to take a pacifier.  He will, in fact, throw a fit if you try to have him use the pacifier when he feels he doesn't need it.
Wesley on the other hand is weighing in at a whole 27 lbs (25th percentile) and 36 inches (75th percentile) with a head circuference of 19" (50th percentile).  He has lost some weight since his last doctors appointment, but he also lost a larger coat so maybe he is just the same as he was then.  Wesley does not like the doctor's office.  He got upset the second we put him up on the table for Margarita to measure him.  He kept telling Dr. Graham, "No, I don't like that."  Dr. Graham was very impressed with Wesley and felt he will be really bored in kindergarten.  Wesley was showing off a little bit and the nurses were encouraging him.  They got him to tell the what color things were and to count for them.  Then Dr. Graham saw that Wes was potty trained.  Dr. Graham said that Wesley showing interest at 18 months is the earliest he has ever seen a boy show interest.  He has seen a girl potty train at 13 months though.  Wesley has taken to wearing hats lately and loves to get his picture taken.  If everything continues as it is going Jonathen will most definently be taller than Wesley.  I love my little boys and it is great to watch them grow.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We love you Mommy oh yes we do.

One bad thing about having your birthday in May it is really close to Mother's Day.  My birthday was wonderful.  My mom, dad, and sisters(Jennifer and Elisa) gave me my present a few days early, but they had to get it done on a day I had off.  I came home Saturday evening after work and found that my flower bed had been weeded and planted.  They came over and spent the day getting my flower bed in working order.  It was wonderful since I was never going to find the time to do it.  Thank you so much guys.  On my birthday we went out to eat and Stevo's and then came back to my house to have cake.  We decided to do an ice cream cake from DQ.  The night before, we went to DQ to get the cake.  Wesley and I went in to pick one out.  There were four cakes and three of them said Happy Birthday on them.  The fourth, however, had a very realistic motorcycle.  Guess which one Wesley chose.  The motorcycle, of course.  The people in line ahead of us kept asking Wes how old he was turning.  I chose not to inform them that it was my birthday not his.  Wesley refused to admit that it was my birthday.  He kept saying it was Gramma's birthday and once insisted that it was Daddy's birthday.  Oh well, I guess I just don't get older anymore.  Kyle got me a new Wii game called Just Dance.  It is super fun and I got Kyle to dance to I Wanna Be by the Spice Girls.  While he was dancing to said song Wesley asked for the video camera.  You've got to love the vicious humor that has been passed on.  We even got Mom, Dad, and Jennifer to play with us on Mother's Day.  Mother's Day for me started early.  Jonathen woke up at 6ish to eat and before he was finished Wes started waking up.  Once Jonathen was done I went and got Wes and started our day.  Kyle slept in a little bit since he nevers gets to sleep in.  My present had not come in yet so I got it on Monday instead of Sunday.  Kyle got me a new pair of shoes since I can never have too many shoes.  Overall, it has been a good couple of weeks.