Monday, November 28, 2011


 Halloween this year was the year of the superhero.  Wesley was very insistent that he was going to be Superman this year.  He even picked out his dad's costume this year.  We went shopping early so we could make sure we got the superhero outfits that were being required by our children.  Jonathen did not know which superhero he wanted to be, but was sure he wanted to be a superhero.  He finally decided that he wanted to be Spiderman.  Wesley's outfit had to be altered since his outfit was a bit too large.  He does make a very cute Superman though.  Jonathen was so funny.  He loved having the mask over his face.  They both had muscles on their outfits that made me want to giggle.  At the last second I decided to put an outfit on since I always dress up for Halloween.  I went and put a skirt and some fairy wings on for my costume.  Wesley came in and saw my outfit and informed me that I could not possibly be a fairy without a crown.  So I had to quickly put a crown on since my costume was not believable as it was.  Daddy got to wear his Batman shirt and say he was Batman.  We went to a few houses and got more candy than my children needed.  Our neighbors tend to let each child have more than one piece of candy so Wesley took 3-4 pieces at every place we stopped.  Jonathen was not very sure of the whole process at first, but got much better at it by the end of the night.  They even got to go show Poppa and Grandma their outfits and get some PlayDoh from Grandma.  Wesley ran from the car to each house saying he was "faster than a speeding bullet."  I kept telling him he was the slowest Superman I had ever met.  Sometimes Wesley walks very slowly.  We had a very good night and by the end of the night the boys were very tired and ready for bed. 

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