Saturday, October 1, 2011

18 Months Old Already!

Jonathen had his 18 month appointment on the 19th of September.  He is getting so big.  He weighed 23 lbs (10th percentile) and was 34 inches tall (90th percentile).  So he is one tall skinny boy.  He does not seem to be so lanky, but the numbers say he is.  The doctor asked if Jon was mobile and then looked down to find Jon climbing all over the chairs in his office and decided he didn't really need me to answer that question.  I told him that I occasionally find Jon at the top step of the ladder to Wesley's bed and actually wish he was less mobile.  Jon gives Wes a run for his money sometimes on what he is willing to climb and do.  He also asked if Jon was saying 4-10 words.  It almost seemed as if Jon was answering the doctors questions since he chose that exact moment to get his shoes and say, "Shoes on, please."  Dr. Graham actually laughed.  He told me that my older boy should have taught me that boys usually don't potty train until about 2 1/2 years old.  I informed him that Wes started potty training at 20 months and had no problems.  He said I should not expect the same out of Jon, but Jon has already started going potty in the toilet at night before getting in the bathtub.  Jon gets really excited when he is allowed to go potty like a big boy.  We will start Jon around the same time that we started Wes since Jon appears to be ready to potty train.  He is getting so big already and is excited to be a big boy.  He loves to have us blow raspberries on his belly and will lift his shirt and then pull your head down if he feels you are not moving quickly enough.  I love my little boy.

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