Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jon has teeth.

Yes, you read that correctly.  Jon has teeth, as in two of them.  He now has both of his front bottom teeth.  He got the first tooth on July 13th and the second one on July 18th.  He is growing up so fast.  Wesley got his two front at about the same age.
Speaking of Wesley, I thought I would jot down some of the things Wesley says.  I will call them Wesleyisms.

Wesleyism #1 - in response to asking him what his name is.
"I not a tiger I'm Wesley Meyers."
Wesleyism #2 -
Dad -"Wesley are you addicted to chocolate milk?"
Wesley - "I not a dick, Dad."
Wesleyism #3
Poppa - "Are you OCD-man?"
Wesley - "I not a demon."
Wesleyism #4 - any time he feels like it
"I not Wesley Meyers I'm a tiger, ROOOOAAAARRRR!"
Wesleyism #5 - in response to Jon crying
"Its okay, baby, its okay."
Sometimes he is so funny.  He loves his brother very much and has apparently decided that he would like a little sister now.  He was watching Lion King and at the end they have the baby lion.  Wesley said that it was a baby like Jon and Kyle said "Except that it is a girl."  So Wesley said he would like a baby sister.  He is going to have to wait a little while, I am not getting pregnant again so quickly.

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